My hart is filled with warmth and joy when I am thinking at the other weekend, the 3rd of Advent, and the first Urban Yoga Eventet with me and Nellie Rolf (Min vardagshälsa)
The day started with 17 women on a dark, candle lit stage, early on the Sunday morning. We landed and got grounded with Yin Yoga led by Nellie. Whereafter I talked about how we can use textile craft, such as knitting and embroidery, to stress down, something that unfortunately rapidly is becoming a to common need in our society today. Thanks again to all you who shared your experiences and thoughts in the discussion after! After a refreshing fika (Swedish for snack/break) we sat, cross legged, in Lotus, on a chair, whatever our individual body wanted, as I led the session of ’broderimeditation’ (Meditative Embroidery). With the focus on the thread, the needle, the yarn going up, the yarn going down, the yarn going up…, all to the sound of all the other threads in the room going up and down, we embroidered away. Grounded and centred, we finished the day with some full on, free, disco ball-spinning, power yoga with Nellie. I hope you all felt refreshed, centred and as happy as we (me and Nellie) did after! Thanks!
And thanks to the newspaper Skånska Dagbladet for writing such a nice article about the event and us. Click here to read the article (in Swedish).
Det är med värme och glädje jag konstaterar att så var det första av mitt och Nellie Rolfs (Min vardagshälsa) Urban Yoga Events genomfört.
Stort tack till alla ni som kom och deltog! Och tack till tidningen Skå för den fina artikeln ni skrev.
Photo: Nellie Rolf