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Project, slideshow Co-Knitting
In the research and art project ‘Caring for co-with knitting practices‘ I work together with Charlotte Østergaard, Lund University. In the project we explore materiality of artistic practice and its implications. Taking point of departure in the making of a physical artefacts and the practice of knitting, the project explores the interplay between making and thinking, encompassing both the human …
Project, slideshow To Express Care
In this project I am exploring the concept of care by combining handmade and digital techniques. I have incorporated AI generative platforms into the design process, using textile printing techniques, fibers, and co-creation through prompts, to investigate the meaning and expression of the concept. I have created a textile interpretation based on ChatGPT’s description of ’emotional connection’ and inspiration from …
Project, slideshow Platforms for Creative Work
In the anthology Creative Work – conditions, contexts and practices, I and Ida de Wit Sandström (PhD in Service Studies, Lund University) have written the chapter ‘Platforms for Creative Work’. We have interviewed people who run and coordinate platforms such as makers paces, to look at how they describe their roles – how they enable and facilitate creativity. The chapter …
Project, slideshow Seaweed + Ceramic + Textile
The project is the start of an ongoing collaboration with Cecilia Fredriksson, professor of ethnology at Lund University, who, among other things, is researching seaweed as an experience and future resource. Projects takes it starting point in both in the material nori, a seaweed-based material that is often used for sushi, as well as the world of shapes of sawdust …
Välkommen till bloggen Min textila värld
Som textilare är jag intresserad av det mesta, stickat, väv, broderi, sömnad, naturmaterial, återbruk såväl som när textil och tekniks möts. Jag trivs att befinna mig där i friheten av att få blanda intryck, utryck, material och tekniker. Här på bloggen delar jag med mig av vad jag gör både yrkesmässigt som textilformgivare och textilkonstnär men ibland även lite mera privata textila projekt.