I have started to collect links and names to other researchers, projects, sites that I find interesting, aspiring and read worthy in the area of Smart Textile, with a focus on colour and surface changing materials (see lists below).
You can also find lots of interesting work and projects by others realting to Thermochromic Textile Materials and Solar Energy in the Literature Review, Chapter 2, in my PhD thesis , which you can download from here.
The list is an ongoing document, so if you have a project that either you or someone else are working on that you think is great, that I haven’t listed, then please send me an email at marie@houseofhelmi.se. I love to find out about new projects and people and I firmly believe that sharing knowledge is the foundation to progress, and of course I will gladly share everything I think is great. /Thanks!
Interesting researchers who works within the area of Colour and Surface Changing Smart Textile Materials:
Dr. Delia Dumitrescu, Director of the Smart Textiles Design Lab, The Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås, Sweden
Anne-Marie Lavigne, Ann-Marie’s blog
Johanna Berzowska, Assistant Professor of Design and Computation Arts at Concordia University and member of the Hexagram Research Institute in Montreal.
Dr. Hanna Landin, Senior Lecturer in Interaction Design and Design Methods at the Swedish School of Textile, University of Borås, Sweden
Dr. Linda Worbin, Professor, The Swedish School of Textile, University of Borås, Sweden
Dr. Lynsey Calder, The Pop Up Workshops
Marjan Kooroshnia, PhD student, Smart Textile Design Lab, The Swedish School of Textiles, Sweden
Dr. Sara Robertson, Lecture, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, UK and The Pop Up Workshops
Sarah Taylor
Dr. Zane Berzina, Professor for Textile and Surface Design, Conceptual Development of Materials and Surfaces, Art College Berlin-Weißensee, Germany
Universities, Organisations and Companies researching on Smart Textile Materials:
Art College Berlin-Weißensee, Germany
Interactive Institute Swedish ICT, Sweden
School of Textile and Design, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Smart Textile, Sweden
The Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås, Sweden and Smart Textile Design Lab