Välkommen till bloggen Min textila värld

Som textilare är jag intresserad av det mesta, stickat, väv, broderi, sömnad, naturmaterial, återbruk såväl som när textil och tekniks möts. Jag trivs att befinna mig där i friheten av att få blanda intryck, utryck, material och tekniker. Här på bloggen delar jag med mig av vad jag gör både yrkesmässigt som textilformgivare och textilkonstnär men ibland även lite mera privata textila projekt.


Min textila värld

Smart Textillek för Små – A Nursery Workshop

Play with thermochromics and lots of excitement: a perfect way of describing my two workshops last week. I held a workshop at a nursery on Wednesday and Friday. The workshop was called  ’Smart Textillek för Små’ (‘Smart Textile Play for Wee Ones’), and was aimed at children between 3-6 years. The children got to work with and discuss the concepts of temperature, hot and cold, colour …

International Yarnbombing Day

It was International Yarnbombing Day this Saturday just past and of course this is something worthy of celebration ! So my family and I went to Ystad to take part in tagging their market square, through the event ’Sätta färg på Stortorget i Ystad’. I love the idea of Yarnbombing or Yarn Graffiti, to allow for the public and the more traditional domestic sphere …

In the Print Lab

This and last week have had lots of days in the print lab – and I love it! I really enjoy entering that almost meditative colour-mixing state, when your are printing new samples. All you need to focus on are; colours, tints and shades. I can see what goes well with what, what expressions in the colour change I want to create – a …

Vävpoesi & LundaPride

Thanks to everyone who came and shared your messages and expressed your thoughts about ’Solidarity, Equal Value and Natural Affiliation’ (gemenskap, lika värde och självklar tillhörighet) at LundaPride and Stenkrossen last weekend. What a great day it was! – with lots of celebration and party-mood. Together, we created a substantial bit of Vävpoesi (Poetic Weaving). And YEAY to all you first-time weavers that had a …

Vävpoesi – Material Cutting Day

Lots and lots and lots of strips of old clothes… this is parts of the result of yesterday’s work. I have been cutting and tearing strips so that you all can come and create some Vävpoesi (Poetic weaving) through writing on and weaving in these strips into the collective weave at Stenkrossen at LundaPride this Saturday. I like re-using material. …

Vävpoesi – ett kollektivt textilt tankeuttryck

Den 21 maj på Lund Pride är ni alla välkomna och skapa kollektiv vävpoesi med mig på Stenkrossen i Lund. Workshopen ”Vävpoesi – ett kollektivt textilt tankeuttryck” är kostnadsfri, det är bara att dyka upp, workshopen är så klart för alla (man behöver inte kunna väva för att vara med, jag finns på plats och visar hur man gör). ”Vävpoesi” …

Definitions of Mixing Principles for Thermochromics

The post this week talks about definitions of mixing principles for thermochromic textiles. Thermochromic leuco dyes changes from coloured to colourless on heating. It is also possible to provide a change from one colour to another, by mixing the thermochomic dye with permanent pigments. I have worked with chromic dyes for over 10 years, during which I have also taught others of how …

The Thread of Life

I started this week by giving a lecture at my old school ‘Lunds Konst/Designskola’ in Lund, where I did my foundation course in Art and Design. It was great fun to come back and meet all the students studying there now and see how the school has developed since I was a student there. I gave a lecture about Smart Textiles …

Future Scenarios for Thermochromic Textiles and Printed Photovoltaics

The post this week introduces the second part of Chapter 6 of my PhD thesis, a discussion concerning future scenarios for the use of integrated photovoltaic cells in textile applications. The discussion concerning the possibilities to develop the research further by integrating the photovoltaic into the textiles, has a design perspective. The work in my thesis has demonstrated that sunlight has the potential to …